
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Cultural Relativism Essay

Cultural relativism is the view that all beliefs, customs, and ethics are relative to the individual within his own social context. In other words, â€Å"right† and â€Å"wrong† are culture-specific; what is considered moral in one society may be considered immoral in another, and, since no universal standard of morality exists, no one has the right to judge another society’s customs. Cultural relativism is widely accepted in modern anthropology. Cultural relativists believe that all cultures are worthy in their own right and are of equal value. Diversity of cultures, even those with conflicting moral beliefs, is not to be considered in terms of right and wrong or good and bad. Today’s anthropologist considers all cultures to be equally legitimate expressions of human existence, to be studied from a purely neutral perspective. Cultural relativism is closely related to ethical relativism, which views truth as variable and not absolute. What constitutes right and wrong is determined solely by the individual or by society. Since truth is not objective, there can be no objective standard which applies to all cultures. No one can say if someone else is right or wrong; it is a matter of personal opinion, and no society can pass judgment on another society. Cultural relativism sees nothing inherently wrong (and nothing inherently good) with any cultural expression. So, the ancient Mayan practices of self-mutilation and human sacrifice are neither good nor bad; they are simply cultural distinctives, akin to the American custom of shooting fireworks on the Fourth of July. Human sacrifice and fireworks—both are simply different products of separate socialization. In January 2002, when President Bush referred to terrorist nations as an â€Å"axis of evil,† the cultural relativists were mortified. That any society would call another society â€Å"evil† is anathema to the relativist. The current movement to â€Å"understand† radical Islam—rather than to fight it—is a sign that relativism is making gains. The cultural relativist believes Westerners should not impose their ideas on the Islamic world, including the idea that the suicide bombing of civilians is evil. Islamic belief in the necessity of jihad is just as valid as any belief in Western civilization, the relativists assert, and America is as much to blame for the attacks of 9/11 as are the terrorists. Cultural relativists are generally opposed to missionary work. When the Gospel penetrates hearts and changes lives, some cultural change always follows. For example, when Don and Carol Richardson evangelized the Sawi tribe of the Netherlands New Guinea in 1962, the Sawi changed: specifically, they gave up their long-held customs of cannibalism and immolating widows on their husbands’ funeral pyres. The cultural relativists may accuse the Richardsons of cultural imperialism, but most of the world would agree that ending cannibalism is a good thing. (For the complete story of the Sawis’ conversion as well as an exposition of cultural reform as it relates to missions, see Don Richardson’s book Peace Child.) Cultural relativism is the principle that an individual human’s beliefs and activities should be understood by others in terms of that individual’s own culture. This principle was established as axiomatic inanthropological research by Franz Boas in the first few decades of the 20th century and later popularized by his students. Boas first articulated the idea in 1887: â€Å"†¦civilization is not something absolute, but †¦ is relative, and †¦ our ideas and conceptions are true only so far as our civilization goes.†[1] but did not actually coin the term â€Å"cultural relativism.†

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Experiential Knowledge versus Intellectual Knowledge Essay

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has for a long time stirred the issue on the tug between experiential knowledge (the sort of knowledge that is gained in the â€Å"streets† and practiced mostly by Huck) and intellectual knowledge (the kind of knowledge being taught in schools and by people like Widow Douglas and Miss Watson). The issue can most of the time be phrased as that between being logical and following the practical consequences of one’s logic as opposed to following the dictates of society. This is a theme that was developed early on in the book and extends up to the end. Huck, for example, defies society and chooses his own logic in Chapter 1 when he told Widow Douglas that he would prefer to go to hell since this would mean a change of scenery and being with Tom. It is known for a fact that â€Å"heaven† should be the de facto choice of destination for everyone. To choose to go to hell, with our without reasons for wanting to do so, plainly means going against what is conventional. Time and again, Huck has dealt with the part of his conscience that told him that keeping and cuddling Jim, a â€Å"property† of Miss Watson versus his natural sympathy for the man (Bennett 3). These and many other instances in Huckleberry Finn illustrate the clash between the obviously wrong societal teaching that racism and slavery is good and having sympathy and compassion for the slaves as bad versus the instinctive knowledge that sympathy and compassion towards a slave is worthwhile. In this paper, this clash between experiential knowledge, i. e. , knowledge gained by oneself through the exercise of personal logical induction and deduction gathered through experience, and intellectual knowledge, i. e. , knowledge gained through different societal instruments, shall be dealt with. More specifically, this paper shall address the issue of which of these two â€Å"knowledges† has more importance. Being an issue that is of no light matter, this paper would need to look beyond Huckleberry Finn for aid. As such, Philosophy, Ethics, and Education seem to be the most promising areas of knowledge that address the issue. Hence, this paper shall look in these directions to settle the issue. Specifically, this paper shall have the following parts: on wisdom and knowledge as personal or societal; morality as inauthentic or authentic; and educations as geared towards making the person â€Å"fully† come out versus education as socialization. The paper shall end with a conclusion. Wisdom as Personal or Societal Philosophy has dealt with the question on the source of wisdom a number of times and through different thinkers. Thomas Aquinas and Aristotle are known to deal extensively about this issue, and as such, their philosophies shall be utilized. Since Aquinas is known for extensively working on Aristotle’s works, merging the works of these two thinkers shall not pose any problems. Before anything, it would be best to first give a definition of wisdom. At least in the Aristotelian-Thomistic tradition, wisdom is a kind of knowledge that is â€Å"of paramount importance in directing human existence towards its purpose or end† (Artigas 17). It is that kind of knowledge that aids man to be a better human being, not only by providing particular knowledge, but most specially a universal knowledge that speaks of the human being’s nature, purpose and end. In the end, wisdom ought to lead to the human being’s happiness, happiness defined as a life that is flourishing. All these ideas seem to be abstract, so it would be best to concretize a bit. At least for Aristotle, living a life that is full of human flourishing means living a virtuous life in a community that allows for the continuous development of the individual. According to the Aristotelian philosopher Martha Nussbaum, this refers to a life wherein virtues, human relations, reason and other physical capabilities are allowed to flourish by the society (Nussbaum 76-78). More concretely, this means experiencing real friendship, practicing justice, exercising prudence and a host of many other virtues that Aristotle spoke of in the Nicomachean Ethics in a society that value and nurture these. It is allowing a person to have meaningful relations, to engage in activities that nourish one’s â€Å"senses, imagination, and thought,† to have bodily health, to engage in play, to have autonomous control over one’s environment and so on (Nussbaum 76-78). So far, it seems that wisdom ought to be acquired for the benefit of the individual that would most probably emanate into the good of society. That is well and good, nevertheless, we still have not answered the question as to how wisdom itself is acquired. In this respect, Aquinas has an answer. Thomas Aquinas is known for the Natural Law Theory. The theory states that â€Å"man is born with the natural facility to know the basic truths or principles or the moral order as ‘the good is to be done and promoted and the evil to be avoided’† (Panizo 56). In this respect wisdom, i. e. , knowledge about what is good and what is to be avoided that ought to lead to happiness and human flourishing, is not only something that man is capable of; in fact, man is born with this natural facility. Human beings are born with the disposition to want what is good and to avoid what is evil. Thinking about it, this medieval theory seems to make a lot of sense. Is it not true that no human being ever does something which for her/him is plainly without good or any sort of benefit? Even actions that may be considered as evil by many still have some sort of perverted â€Å"goodness† in it. Actions such as murder, drug trafficking, etcetera, still give â€Å"pleasure† to those who engage in them. But, does this mean that these actions are morally good? Aquinas would not agree. He would say that though nature has granted man the capacity to know what is good and evil and to want good over evil, still, error may happen. Error occurs once the basic principle, â€Å"good is to be done and sought after, evil is to be avoided† (Aquinas 197) is applied. In fact, there is a hierarchy of difficulty when it comes to the application of this basic principle, the most difficult application of it called â€Å"remote conclusions† are described as â€Å"not easily drawn by ordinary people, for they involve education in theology and philosophy, and deep reflection† (Panizo 59). These involve judgments on issues like euthanasia, divorce, abortion, etcetera. We have reached a point then when natural wisdom, i. e. , wisdom depending on reason alone, becomes insufficient. Life is so full of instances when â€Å"remote conclusions† are needed and called for. The sad thing is, this knowledge is hard to come by and a human being is left with no option but to listen to the dialogues of the people in the academe. For Aquinas and Aristotle, experiential knowledge is not enough. It could only get us so far. This then brings us to the discussion of the place of â€Å"intellectual knowledge† in Philosophy. According to Aristotle, human beings need a role model to live a flourishing life. An excellent person is considered the standard for most of us who are still aiming for human flourishing, for a life of virtue. An excellent person is defined as he/she whose wishes â€Å"will be what is wished in reality† (Aristotle 65), i. e. , the wishes of the excellent person is that which is truly good for the human being. An excellent person is the exact opposite of the base person to whom â€Å"pleasure would seem to cause deception since it appears good when it is not† (Aristotle 65). Thus, modeling is Aristotle’s system of knowing what is worth imitating and what is not. To add to this, it must be recalled that for Aristotle (as with the other Greek thinkers), education has an indispensable role in bringing an individual to perfection. This is the very reason why the Academy and the Lyceum were established. In these schools, individuals from different cities merge to further their knowledge, to share each other’s knowledge and in this sense socializing each other. Hence, at least in Aristotle and Aquinas’ philosophy, though natural wisdom or experiential knowledge may be the starting point, this is not enough. Intellectual knowledge is still necessary since remote conclusions are always called for to ultimately be happy and live a flourishing life. Authentic and Inauthentic Morality Beyond the epistemology of Aristotle and Aquinas is the perspective that morality or ethics may be inauthentic or authentic. This is the very idea of Michael Moga in the book, Toward Authentic Morality. According to Moga, one’s sense of right and wrong can either be wholly dependent on one’s culture (i. e. , inauthentic morality) or it could come from one’s personal choice (i. e. , authentic morality). This is the very same clash between the self and the society that we have been talking about. According to Moga, most people ascribe to inauthentic morality. This is the sort of morality that gives in to social pressure, that kind of pressure that forces us to act and think in a particular way without exactly knowing why such an action or thought should be considered moral. We would not have to go very far to understand inauthentic morality. Most adolescents and teenagers are susceptible to peer pressure when it comes to many facets of their lives. The very persistence of racism and discrimination speak of a poorly reasoned morality that rest on social acceptance. In fact, Moga sets out the characteristics of inauthentic morality. The following are the characteristics of this type of morality. Inauthentic morality is characterized by being based on certain rules and values affirmed by culture; it is universal in its application, i. e. , it is valid for everyone; they impact individuals as set of morality that is external, i. e. , the source of morality is something outside the self; these laws are anonymous; the individual is haunted by fear and shame; the moral obligation is something that comes from authority; and it is fluctuating in influence (Moga 35-39). This is the sort of morality experienced by the typical teenager who follows his/her group’s choices. Such an individual follows rules not her own, a set of rules she may find difficult to follow since it is something external, nevertheless the breaking of such group rules result to fear and shame. This teenager considers the lead of the group as the one vested with authority to enforce such rules. Though this morality is most stark among teenagers, adults may very well be living this sort of morality. We would only have to look around shopping malls to see how many adults go with the flow without thinking why. Supposedly at the other extreme is authentic morality. This morality results from one’s personal decision to accept a set of values and morals after necessary reflection. Again, this sort of morality has characteristics: it is personally chosen and accepted; it is based on a rational appreciation; it is not based on fear or shame; morality as an expression of one’s freedom; and it is based on what one personally cares for, i. e. the very principles that one values (Moga 39-41). This is the sort of morality of individuals who have taken enough time to think over his/her morals. This would be represented by an individual who does an action and could very likely explain and be personally involved in the very principle of one’s actions. This would be the individual whose sense of morality is not dependent on â€Å"what others will say† but rather on a clear set of personally chosen moral principles. Though individuals must all aim for authentic morality, Moga insists that both moralities are important. In the first place, all human beings undergo the inauthentic morality stage where parents become the sole authority from whom morality emanate. Nevertheless, we should not stay this way. After being exposed to different sets of moralities, it is the individual’s responsibility to think and chose which of these moralities shall be made personal. Thus, at least in the Ethical perspective, the social and the personal ought to go together, though in the end, the social should be for the personal. Conclusion We have seen that at least in Philosophy and Ethics, there really is no real clash between the personal and the social, between intellectual knowledge and experiential knowledge. Clashes happen in Philosophy when error exists in the mind and nothing is done to correct the error. This error may of course exist not only with individuals but also in groups such as those in the academe. Nevertheless, we have clearly stated above that intellectual knowledge is there not to ram down society on the throats of individuals but rather to further perfect experiential knowledge for the sake of human flourishing. The same may be said in the field of ethics. Both authentic and inauthentic moralities are there and both have uses in society. Nevertheless, in the end, inauthentic morality ought to be the material source of inputs for the eventual authentic morality of a person. Morality only becomes stagnant when there is no interaction between the inauthentic and authentic. To answer the question which of the two knowledges is more important, we could qualifiedly say that both are important as long as there is minimal error and that the ultimate purpose is human flourishing.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Critically evaluate english's law's approach to the issue of marriages Outline

Critically evaluate english's law's approach to the issue of marriages between persons of the same sex - Outline Example ship in UK, civil union and registered partnership between same sex couple was legalized under the Civil Partnership Act of 2004 (Legislation.gov.uk a). The number of same sex couples has been constantly increasing. Since same sex couples are legally allowed to enter into Civil Partnership agreement, the number of same sex couples registered under Civil Partnerships reached up to 6,281 couples (3,227 gay couples and 3,054 lesbian couples) (Office for National Statistics). Although Civil Partnership in UK provides same sex couples with almost the same privilege and rights of marriage, there are still some differences between Civil Partnerships and marriage. Specifically in Civil Partnerships, the concept of adultery was removed as a ground for Civil Partnership dissolution (Barker; Barker). This is true since adultery in the legal definition can take place only to heterosexual couples (Bindmans Civil Partnership). In the case of marriage, adultery is a major offense which is legally acknowledged as a ground for marriage dissolution (ibid). Unlike in marriage, the ground of non-consummation for nullity is not applicable in Civil Partnership making Civil Partnership as good as a legal status instead of a family relationship (Barker; Cretney). For this reason, Civil Partnership can be used by friends for tax haven purposes. Since Civil Partnerships is still not recognized by the UK government as marriage, a lot of opposing parties argue that Civil Partnership violates the Equality Act 2010 and some Articles of the European Convention on Human Rights (Bamforth; Government Equalities Office). The case of Wilkinson v Kitzinger [2006]1 is a good example wherein the same sex couples are fighting for the idea that same sex couples should not be excluded in the institution of marriage because of public discrimination particularly in workplace (Bell). Although Wilkinson and Kitzinger were legally married in Canada, their married was considered void in UK because of the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Company analysis needs to be on is HITACHI CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY Essay

Company analysis needs to be on is HITACHI CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY AUSTRALIA Pty Ltd risk management - Essay Example Scope To be efficient and effective the unit provides the range of machinery best known to miners of Australia as the best. Mining takes turns from extracting underground resources to the point of processing. The unit provides and caters for lumbering trucks, excavators, bulldozers, and drilling in the manual and electric version. The company also ensures that all spare parts are availed at the stores, a factor that ensures that the customers business does not alt because of mechanical breakdowns (Thakur et al, 1997). With the technological revolution in the mining sector taking tremendous advances, the unit provides upto date equipment and customer support on the use of such. Pricing and negotiation deals within the unit stimulate the competitiveness in the market. Hitachi ensures communication in the various channels, which entirely stimulates performance on output, realization of change in the dynamic environment and customer satisfaction via direct responses. Risks are borne by a ssumptions that the prevailing factors are not crucial. The company understands clearly that different people have different perceptions. Demographically, age separates tastes and thus the approach in construction to cater for their needs takes a deeper dimension. Hitachi meets competition from Denver, Caterpillar, Center Rock, Komatsu, P&H Mining, and Joy Mining machineries among others. However, these companies may pose threats; Hitachi strategically frames a proper layout and execution exercise that secures its bid in reaching the market. (Thakur, (2007:04). The plan of availing the equipment on time drives other competitors away bearing that the selective channel of distribution and scrutiny enables the company to determine the performing and non-performing ones. Tailored communication among all the subsidiary outlets enables it to note changes and advances in industry before matters get out of hand. Holistic approach In the present marketing environment, competition takes charg e on every market and failure to retaliate often steers loss of the market share, lesser profits, and exit from the market. Hitachi Company limited ensures fast adaptation to changes in the industry. In the event of competition from other key players in the market, for example, Caterpillar, Denver, Robinson Thwaites, and Bucyrus international, Hitachi resolves to higher advances that include technological advances, customer satisfaction through efficiency and closer supervision. Since Hitachi Construction Company is mainly concerned with improving and delivering services in the mining industry, it builds the best and conducive machinery for both customers the entire ecology. The company’s advancements in the provision of electric trains and steam drilling equipment among others steers economic growth to all users. The production and delivery unit ensures that all output suits the needs of the various markets and that environmental destruction is least expected. Each market se gment adopt distinctive cultures, beliefs and norms which affect the business widely, thus the company should poses an outlook on factors of the kind as ignorance may pave way for competitors.(Desheng, (2010:03). As a strong strategy, holistic approach, and entirely a definite tool to production, the company appreciates all of the key players in its market, understanding fully that they are equally

Saturday, July 27, 2019

How Can RyanAir maintain its dominance in the European low-cost Dissertation

How Can RyanAir maintain its dominance in the European low-cost airline market - Dissertation Example The use of secondary research methodology in the research confers some distinct advantages for which it is extensively preferred. Firstly with the development of internet communication the secondary research activity has become easier in terms of gaining access to large amount of data within a much lesser time period. Secondly the use of secondary research activity also helps in reducing the level of research cost as the researcher does not have to depend on market or field research. Thirdly the use of secondary research serves as a background for conducting effective primary research activity. The researcher armed with potential information can test the practical aspect through conducting a survey based research. Fourthly the use of secondary research generates authentic information gained through the study of potential literatures written by eminent authors. Al these aspects reflect the effectiveness for depending on secondary research in conducting a research activity (McDaniel, & Gates, 1998, p.90). Apart from conducting the research based on secondary data sources primary or survey based research is also conducted. Primary or survey based research is conducted through the construction of questionnaires which would be used over a particular sample size of 200 respondents. The use of primary research activity helps in gaining focus over a particular focus group to retrieve answer to a specific research question. This methodology is considered to be pragmatic in that it helps in generating current and more feasible information pertaining to external marketing conditions. Moreover through the use of primary research the researcher can gain access to large number of views in regards to the research query. However the process of primary research entails an increase of research expenditure for employing people to conduct the research survey. Still primary research activity is considered more effective for it potentially endeavours to reflect on the marketing cond itions (Lamb, Hair & McDaniel, 2008, p.246). Further the use of statistical operations is encouraged in regards to the research conducted for it helps in depicting the figurative aspects of the information gained through the interviews made. Statistical operations made in the form generating charts and diagrams make the research more practical as one can gain a complete understanding of the views gained and thereby helps in making an effective analysis. Statistical based research enhances the effectiveness of the research activity for it generates large amount of quantitative data and thereby enhances the understand ability of the research (Nunan, 1992, p.8). 1.2. Population and Sample Size The main focus of the research activity understands RyanAir’s dominance in the markets of Europe. Thus focus must be rendered over European based customers pertaining to various demographic sets like income, age and occupation patterns. Selection of the European population been done focus is rendered to identify specific target groups based on the

Professional 2 part 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Professional 2 part 1 - Essay Example In Australia, there is an estimated number of 24, 891 children suffering from Down Syndrome based on extrapolated statistics (Statistics by Country for Down Syndrome 2008). In Victoria, the incidence of this abnormality is 1 in every 481 births (Birth Defects – Trisomy Disorder 2007). It was reported that statistics would show that expectant Australian mothers who were apprised beforehand of the Down Syndrome condition of the child before birth terminate the pregnancy – a kind of genetic cleansing. Even during pregnancy, several tests can be done to find out if the fetus is positive with Down Syndrome like ultrasound, amniocentesis, and serum sampling (Mealy 2000). Down Syndrome is a congenital and genetic condition that was first identified and described by Dr. John Langdon-Down in 1866. In the 1960s, French cytogeneticist Dr. Jerome Lejune illustrated that the Syndrome is essentially caused by the presence of an extra chromosome in the cells of those afflicted with the syndrome. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes (thus, 46 in all) which are stored in the nucleus of every human cell. Two of these chromosomes determine the sex (thus, sex chromosomes) and the rest decide other factors (autosomes). Each pair of chromosomes is a derivative from each parent (the mother and the father). In the person with the Down Syndrome, an extra chromosome is added which makes for a total of 47 instead of the usual 46 and one chromosome is not duplicated but triplicated, thus Down Syndrome is also called trisomy (from the root word tri or three) disorder. The chromosome which is triplicated in those with the genetic defect is chromosome 21 (see Fig. 1) (Lindee 2005 p. 103), with the numbering of chromosomes done in accordance with the international standard systems of nomenclature adopted during the Denver Conference in 1960. There are three kinds of Down Syndrome: Standard Trisomy

Friday, July 26, 2019

International Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

International Marketing - Assignment Example It was started in 1940 by Dick and Mac McDonald as the drive-in McDonald’s Bar-B-Q restaurant in California, with the current restaurant format debuting in 1948 at the same location. In 1949, it introduced its legendary French Fries and Triple Thick Milkshakes. In 1954, the company franchised for the first time through Ray Kroc, which marked the beginning of rapid expansion of its business. In just four years, it expanded from 100 outlets in 1959 to 500 outlets in 1963. It went public in 1965 and began international operations in Canada in 1967. By 1983, McDonald’s operated 7778 outlets and as of 2011, it operates 34000 outlets in 118 countries around the world, of which 80% are franchised (McDonald’s, 2013a; McDonald’s, 2013b). It has 1.8 million employees and is listed in all major stock exchanges such as, NYSE and LSE (NYSE Euronext, 2012; London Stock Exchange plc, 2013). McDonald’s offers a variety of products in its home country of U.S such as , hamburgers, sandwiches, wraps, fried chicken items, salads, oatmeal breakfast, burritos, hotcakes, French fries, coffee, smoothies, yogurt, milkshakes, juices, ice cream, pies and cookies. Most of the products are available worldwide, with a few exceptions. On the other hand, it offers regional products in various countries that are not available in the U.S. Some of the country-specific products include McArabia wrap in the Middle East, McSpicy Paneer burger in India and Bubur Ayam chicken porridge in Indonesia (McDonald’s, 2013c; McDonald’s, 2013d; McDonald'sâ„ ¢ India, 2013a; McDonald's Indonesia, 2013). Rationale behind internationalization Since its inception, profit maximization was one of the prime motives of the business model, besides gaining maximum market share and attaining a vast service network. Throughout its history, McDonald’s Corporation received a hugely positive reception and enjoyed a virtually competition-free environment during its gro wth, with the only direct competitor being White Castle that operated since 1921. The global influence of U.S. and the American culture being perceived as the right way of life also triggered a positive brand image of the company outside U.S., even before it began international operations. Thus, the rationale behind internationalization of McDonald’s Corporation can be summarized as profit maximization, market share maximization, making good use of the positive brand image created internationally and gaining first mover’s advantage in foreign countries. Today, the company operates in 118 countries and is considered as a symbol of American culture (McDonald’s, 2013a; White Castle Management Co., 2013). Mode of entry in foreign countries The different modes of entry that are available to a company are exporting products and distributing through a regional outlet, contracting another company to set up the complete business infrastructure for the entering company in exchange for a fee (known as a turn-key project), teaming up with a local partner to jointly share investments and profits (known as joint

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Challenges of Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Challenges of Globalization - Essay Example Summary The article by Faizal Yahya â€Å"Challenges of Globalization: Malaysia and India Engagement† deals with international relations establishment between India and Malaysia in the context of globalization process. The coming challenges were facilitated in case bilateral and regional linkages would be intensified. The main emphasis in the article is made on ASEAN region as the main intensifier of inter-regional relations, business and trade. Malaysia is considered as the largest India’s coordinator and a facilitator of India’s integration into the ASEAN region. Moreover, it is interesting to consider international relations establishment between these two countries, as they are historically and culturally linked. Position of the author During the post-Cold War period, India made numerous attempts to increase economic linkages with economies of different countries. Nevertheless, its participation in SAARC has been stalled by complexities of India’s trad e. Therefore, the author of the article makes an attempt to assess the challenges caused by globalization and their impact on India and Malaysia relations. It is evident, that the author considers India to be a perfect alternative trade area for the international business. ... Therefore, the author intrigues us by his dramatic background chosen for the discussion of international relations between India and Malaysia. Therefore, the author of the article makes an attempt to consider establishment of relations between Malaysia and India on a diversified cultural and historical background of the countries’ development. Though this article contributes to the field of international business, the main issues are highlighted in the culturally-marked context. Analysis of the issue The main interest of this issue can be explained by deep-rooted historical background of Malaysia’s history and culture. Nevertheless, starting from 60s this country did not make an attempt to preserve its national identity in spite of taking a chance to participate in the international trade. The main focus of Malaysia’s first Prime Minister was to place international relations above all other considerations. Another Prime Minister Mahathir made an attempt to introd uce â€Å"Look East† policy. A need for Islamic unity was integral for Malaysia at that time. Therefore, it can be claimed that a twofold direction of Malaysia’s relation at the international arena have been historically chosen: to establish international business relations with Asian and foreign partners and preserve Islamic identity of the country at the same time. Concerning India, it should be noted that controversies with Pakistan occurred mainly because of Islamic traditions of the latter country. SAARC lacked economical progress because of controversies between India and Pakistan and at the same time India made attempts to foster relations with partners from ASEAN region. This strategy is supported

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Reforming global governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Reforming global governance - Essay Example There were also found substantial evidence that the provisions of the TRIPs Agreement were unscrupulously invoked to advance the interests of transnational pharmaceuticals over the poor and sick patients who do not have access to essential life-saving medications. It has been uncovered that despite the flaws and partisanship of the GATS and its erstwhile predecessor Multilateral Agreement on Investment, in favor of rich nations and transnational corporations, WTO zealously worked in vain for their implementation. Heated debates during the Seattle Millennium Round confirmed considerable inefficiency of the part of the WTO to dispense its duties for global governance of trade. In all the areas considered in this paper, WTO flaunted its corporate agenda in the guise of free trade. The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the lone international organization which takes charge of trade policies between and among nations. Its headquarters is located in Geneva, Switzerland. The aim of the global body is to assist manufacturers and traders of goods and services in their business. Created in the year 1995 by the Uruguay Round of negotiations from 1986 – 1994, WTO now consists of 153 member countries. It main functions include: (1) administration of WTO trade agreements; (2) provision of a forum for trade-related negotiations; (3) handling of trade dispute; (4) monitoring of trade policies; provision of technical assistance and training for developing countries; and (4) cooperation with other international organizations. The WTO budget for the year 2009 is 189 million Swiss francs. It present director-general is Pascal Lamy (â€Å"What is†, 2008). The WTOs founding and guiding principles remain the pursuit of open borders, the guarantee of most-favored-nation principle and non-discriminatory treatment by and among members, and a commitment to transparency in the conduct of its activities. The opening of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Evidence Base Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Evidence Base Nursing - Essay Example From this study it is clear that  Ms Ward has the ethical responsibility of making sure that the subjects or participants are not exposed to any kind of harm, direct or indirect when the research is being conducted. She bears the responsibility of safe guarding the subjects and patients from any kind of harm including physical, social, mental, spiritual and financial.This paper outlines that in the given scenario above, it seems logical to increase the costs of the study than compromise the quality of the data. In case Ms. Ward does have and can use some funds allocated to the study and research, by having nurse to go to the homes of these men for the collection of data and samples. Burdens and benefits should be distributed fairly and looking at the plight of these old and troubled men, it seems only fair that their burdens are reduced. Since all these patients do not appear to be well off, Ms Ward should ask for a change in protocol and get permission for a nurse to visit these m en for the collection of samples and data.  From the case study above, it is apparent that the group of male subjects belongs to â€Å"vulnerable population†, â€Å"those unable or incapable of giving informed consent or those who may be at high risk for unintended consequences†.  The men are undergoing chemotherapy and their disease has progressed and can be categorized as â€Å"terminally ill persons†.  It is Ms Ward’s ethical duty to carefully weigh the risks and benefits of the research with this vulnerable group.... Nurses may play distinct roles including those of researchers, data collectors, managers, practitioners or any third party witnessing research activity (The Royal College of Nursing Research Society: nurses and research ethics, 2003). Regardless of the role played by nurses, it is essential for them to review their actions and their impact on "vulnerable subjects or participants" (The Royal College of Nursing Research Society: nurses and research ethics, 2003). This paper aims to analyze a specific ethical concern faced by a nurse responsible for collecting data from a subject of elderly males undergoing chemotherapy. Would it be ethical to compromise the quality of the data or to increase the costs of the study Please explain clearly Why As the principle investigator, Ms Ward is familiar with the ethical principles and the human rights of the subject. It is also Ms Ward's responsibility to ensure that appropriate decisions as and when changes are noticed in the condition of the patients while the study is conducted. Ms Ward also bears the responsibility of sharing any important patient related health information with the review board and the protocol committee so that accurate decisions may be taken (American Association of Critical-Care Nurses, Web). Before coming to any strong conclusion, it is important to judge the scenario presented in the case above. The trial is funded by millions of dollars every year Patients are severely ill and are receiving chemotherapy The disease has progressed The men are elderly and have difficulty in moving around Before all else, Ms Ward has the ethical responsibility of making sure that the subjects

Monday, July 22, 2019

Fascist Government Essay Example for Free

Fascist Government Essay Fascist government is better compared to a communism government in that it seeks the reality of the society on strength and weaknesses of nations.   Historically, fascist governments opposed the class conflicts and emphasized that they would forever exist. Though fascists have been used pejoratively in the present setting, it is clear that communism was worse in history as it advocated for classless and stateless society that declared allegiance to the Marxism-Leninism a notion that was impossible to apply.   It is no doubt that communism orientation of social organization where totalitarians dominated and above all, the self perpetuating political party system was the major cause for excessive anarchy like that experienced under the soviet rule. Overview This paper explores fascist government as the better option to communism with greater focus on the historical events.   Through use of questions and answers, the paper explores the principles and theoretical considerations of the two systems of government.   It compares the major occurrences under the two systems of the government to support the thesis statements.   With reference to the period of application, the paper gives a clear analysis of the logistics behind the fascists’ governments as opposed to the communist administration. Questions and answers What are the principles of communism and how effectively did communism governments apply them? Communism government is guided by the main principle of a society that is egalitarian and classless mainly based on common ownership and control of the production means. The principles call for a stateless society with a form of government that declares allegiance to Marxism-Leninism.   Application of communism has and is always controversial in that the well outlined principles form a reciprocating platform for abuse by the same governments. Remarkably, it is communism that has made USSR to be remembered for its ruthlessness when dealing with the community.   In 1928, Joseph Stalin application of communism which he claimed to be directly under his predecessor Lenin innovation, were borne of mayhem and anarchy.   It was marred with extra judicial killings, spying and elimination of the political opponents (Lauren, 173-177). As indicated by fascism, it was important to acknowledge the need for the classes in the society as they were the ones that bore them.   Fascist governments therefore applied the correct principles of the time that were bound on the desire to grow and expand beyond their boundaries.   Though application of the survival for the fittest in the human realms was a major shenanigan, fascism has been credited for creating nationalism and enhancing identity.   Sir Osward Mosley, the leader of British Union of Fascists emphasized that communism was a major cause of suppression for democracy it claimed to advocate (Daniels, 38-45). What were the consequences of communism and abolishing private property ownership to ensure equality? Communism was mainly directed at seeking communal ownership of the production systems in the society.   Under this system however, the government was given a better operating platform to practice massive corruption to the people.   Though the concept was initially well thought of, its application mostly presented the reciprocal a notion that made the whole system to become a failure.   The death of Karl Marx at end of the 19th century has been cited to be the possible end of real communism. Historians indicate that fascist governments rose as a response to the events of World War I, a notion that cited the possible fallouts in democracy and liberalism for their favor of individualism or internationalism.   Historically, this concept was faulty and saw the establishments of the fascist governments like in Italy (Furet and Furet, 178-188). How effective was the system and what were the repercussions? Application of communism was a bloody notion that had far much reaching implication even to the current society.   During the World War II, the communists consolidated power through massive blood shed in most of the Eastern Europe.   In Russia, the struggle by many countries to get independence never bore fruits until the international community intervened later in the 20th century.   Though communist governments claimed to be borne by the people themselves, it is however ironical that most of the third world colonies that adopted the communist ideals like Cambodia, Lao, and Angola are still among the poorest in the world. Though fascist government promoted the growth of their empire beyond their own territories, they supported the nationalism and were mainly driven by charismatic leaders.   This gave the notion of the great capacity of the fascism governments to rationally reason out their application policies.   Nakano Seigo of Japan noted that fascist governments had the capacity to practice democracy than did communist governments (Furet Furet Deborah, 186-190).

Rates of reaction Essay Example for Free

Rates of reaction Essay Refer to: GRAPH 1 The basic trend of the graph shows that time of reaction (y) decreases at a decreasing rate. More specifically the curve of best fit shows that the average temperature (y) is inversely proportional to the average time of reaction (x). This forms an equation of y=mi (1/x) Time of reaction = constant x (1/temperature). As the constant is set as 1, this can be interpreted as y=1/x. In order to validate this I will produce a line graph showing the relationship between the two. The calculations of 1/temperature are also tabulated below. 2 As can be seen from the graph the time of reaction increases at a constant rate which proves that the time of reaction is proportional to 1 over temperature. Although the points do not form a perfect straight line, using the line of best fit it is possible to determine the time taken by any given temperature. For example a 1/temperature of 0. 015 i C would cause the reaction to take approx. 60 seconds. And by dividing 0. 015 by 1, it is possible determine the actual temperature of the reaction. In this case:   1/temperature = 0. 015 1/0. 025 = 66. 66 Therefore temperature = 66i C Hence it would take approx. 60 seconds for a product to be formed when the temperature is 66i C. I have analysed the time of reaction as this was the dependant variable throughout my experiment, but the aim of my experiment is to determine the relationship between temperature and rate of reaction. Therefore I will begin by producing a scatter diagram showing all the recordings. This will allow me to observe the accuracy of results and also, through a visual display, identify any possible recordings that dont follow the usual trend. Using the recordings of time of reaction, it is possible to convert this into a rate using the following formula: 1 / time taken Below are the rates of reaction calculations tabulated and therefore a scatter diagram demonstrating this: The scatter diagram shows positive correlation meaning as the temperature increases, the rate of reaction also tends to increase. In order to distribute the recordings further and more importantly notify a relationship I will tabulate and produce a line graph showing the average time of reaction recordings against increasing temperature. TEMPERATURE (i C) The basic trend of the graph shows that as the temperature increases so does the rate of reaction, which proves my prediction is correct. However as can be seen, the relationship is not linear. The curve of best fit shows that the average rate of reaction (y) is directly proportional to the square root of temperature (x). I have calculated this below and in order to test a relationship I have produced a line graph: The graph shows that the average rate of reaction increases at a constant rate, excluding the second point, which proves that rate of reaction, is directly proportional to the square root of temperature. Using the line of best fit it is possible to find the rate of reaction by choosing any temperature on the graph. For example a Vtemperature of 3i C would cause the reaction to take approx. 0. 00565 seconds. And by squaring the VtemperaturAs the temperature increases the time of reaction decreases.   As the temperature increases the rate of reaction also increases which validates my prediction is correct. And from demonstrating these findings on line graphs, I was able to determine and prove that:   Time of reaction is proportional to 1/temperature and   rate of reaction is proportional to the square root of temperature. EVALUATION: Accuracy: As can be seen from the circled point on the majority of graphs produced from the results taken, this is identified as an anomaly as it disperses away from the usual trend of the graph. There are many reasons to indicate why an anomaly is present; this consists of human errors and equipment restrictions and possible unruly scientific theories that affect the whole experiment.   The method of using a stop watch to measure the time of reaction was not as reliable as to using more precise recording apparatus such as a time measuring and indicating device for example. This is 1) due to the unit of time where all recordings were automatically rounded to 2d. p. and 2) the mature condition of the stop watch used at times caused a lockage in the start and stop buttons, in a case where the time distinction of getting the stop watch to start and stop may have affected the accuracy of a recording.   Furthermore it was impossible to observe and acknowledge exactly when a reaction had been completed; hence product formation. Extra attention was paid to the reaction, however the stop watch timer was only stopped when I believed the reaction was complete. This is unreliable and has no form of justification as this was determined solely through manual procedure.   Again another profound error may have been the amount of hydrochloric acid. I ensured as much solution as possible was poured into the required beaker after being measured in the measuring cylinder, however there were always small drips of liquid that were inevitable. It is illegible whether this has an influential affect; however this regardless opposes the accuracy of the recordings. The temperature of the solution may have not been as intended at the start of the reaction (when the magnesium was put in). This is primarily due to that the beaker was removed from the heat once the thermometer hit the intended temperature, however the distinction in time of removing the beaker from the heating setup area to the flat desk and entering the magnesium may have caused the temperature to fall (significant/insignificantly is unknown). This is due to the reaction being exothermic, transfer of heat to surroundings, which would have caused dramatic changes in temperature throughout the experiment. There are also reasons to compliment the accuracy of my results:   Each recording was repeated twice. This enabled me to calculate an average and gave me the advantage of being able to produce a better analysis overall.   I was able to identify early on during the preliminary work that the magnesium strips may have not been the same consistent size throughout, but during the actual experiment I took extra care in measuring, cutting and comparing the strips to the required identical length. Reliability: In addition to the scopes of errors mentioned above, there are many other incontrollable factors that may have had a form of influence or obstruction. However no significant problems or difficulties were encountered whilst conducting the experiment. My results and conclusion were accurate and reliable enough to verify a relationship that as the temperature increases, the rate of reaction also increases, hence agreeing with my set prediction. I was also able to determine that an increase in temperature, decreases the time of reaction, furthermore the time of reaction is proportional to 1/temperature and the rate of reaction is proportional to the square root of temperature. Improvements: No matter how accurate produced results are, due to the restriction in apparatus provided and the time to complete the investigation, improvements will always be applicable. Possible improvements:   In order to exclude the scopes of errors mentioned above regarding changing temperature, it would be convenient to conduct reactions in a thermos or similar container which would trap the heat. This would keep the temperature constant and in return increase the accuracy of results. Even though two repeats for each recording was accurate enough to produce a reliable average, increasing this to three or four recordings would produce a range of results which could then be analysed in more detail. From this possible impediments of restrictions may also arise, which whilst analsying may bring about new theories affecting the reactions.   As mentioned earlier, a more precise time measuring device would be useful instead of a stop watch. This would obviously be to produce better, pri cised results and one that would possibly exclude the need of manual operation. Extending the investigation:   It would be useful to experiment temperatures below 30i C. This would enable me to observe the reactions and behavior of lower temperatures. And primarily with the last three temperature recordings it was noticeable that the points were closer which explains the flat curve produced at the end of graphs that produced a curve. This would enable me to observe the point at which reactions are unable to exceed; therefore it would be of use to observe temperatures exceeding 90i. Another method of measurement would be counting the bubbles formed in a reaction. This would require the need of better equipment, but I believe this would form interesting results.   It would also be interesting to experiment the influences of the other variables, as mentioned at the beginning of my coursework. I was able to briefly experiment concentration in my preliminary work, but it would be interesting to do a continuous specialised experiment and also a new variable that comes to mind: light. SECONDARY SOURCES OF INFORMATION: Internet sources used to construct my background knowledge:   http://www. wpbschoolhouse. btinternet. co. uk/page03/3_31rates. htm   http://www. scool. co. uk/topic_quicklearn. asp? loc=qltopic_id=11quicklearn_id=1subject_id=21ebt=248ebn=ebs=ebl=elc=4   http://www. webchem. net/notes/how_far/kinetics/rate_factors. htm.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Cutaneous Myoepithelioma | Case Study

Cutaneous Myoepithelioma | Case Study TITLE: Cutaneous myoepithelioma: A case report of an unusual and recently recognized entity ABSTRACT: Myoepitheliomas and mixed tumors were only recently recognized to occur primarily in soft tissue, and only small case numbers have been described. The present case is of 25-year-old male who had solitary, painless mass over right middle finger, measuring 3cm in greatest dimensions and light microscopy revealed a tumor composed of a mixed population of spindle, epithelioid and plasmacytoid cells arranged around a central chondromyxoid stroma. No definite diagnosis could be reached on this morphology and initial diagnosis of benign mixed stromal tumor was considered. Immunohistochemistry(IHC) was performed and the tumor showed strong positivity for Calponin and SMA, Ki-index showed low index, weak and focal positivity for S-100 and negative for Pan-CK. The final diagnosis of benign myoepithelioma was entertained. Keywords: Myoepithelioma, Cutaneous, Soft tissue INTRODUCTION: Myoepithelioma of the skin and soft tissue is a newly recognized entity only ten years ago with fewer than 50 case reports. It has characteristic histopathologic and immunohistochemical features, which need to be differentiated from a variety of tumors CASE REPORT: Case history: A 25-year-old male presented with a solitary, painless mass over right middle finger, measuring 3cm in greatest dimension since 6months. There is no increase in size and overlying skin is smooth and unremarkable. The mass is firm, non- tender and mobile. X-ray showed a soft tissue mass with underlying bone unremarkable. Gross: Multiple tissue bits aggregate measuring 3Ãâ€"2Ãâ€"1cm and skin flap measuring 2Ãâ€"1cm. Light microscopy: Revealed a tumor in the superficial dermis composed of a mixed population of spindle , epithelioid, and plasmacytoid cells arranged around a central chondromyxoid stroma. No definite diagnosis could be reached on this morphology and diagnosis of benign mixed stromal tumor was considered. Immunohistochemistry(IHC): IHC was performed and showed strongly positive Calponin and SMA. S-100 was weak and focally positive. Pan CK was negative. Ki 67 revealed low index (2%). The final diagnosis of Benign myoepithelioma was entertained. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS The primary differential diagnoses considered were extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma (EMC) and ossifying fibromyxoid tumor (OFMT). EMC typically shows a multinodular growth pattern with cords of cells in a myxoid matrix. The tumor cells in EMC are more spindled than those of myoepitheliomas. S-100 protein and epithelial markers are expressed in a minority of EMC and usually only focally, while both the markers are often extensively expressed in myoepitheliomas. OFMT is a lobulated tumor surrounded by a rim of metaplastic bone. The tumor cells are mostly pale-staining ovoid to round cells. Approximately 70% of OFMT show positivity for S-100 protein and vimentin and 50% of tumor cells are positive for desmin. The tumor cells in OFMT are rarely positive for epithelial markers and GFAP. Myoepitheliomas are generally negative for desmin, nearly half positive for GFAP, and nearly always show positivity for keratin and S-100 protein.[1] Other tumors that should be differentiated are, Epithelioid benign fibrous histiocytoma that usually shows a superficial dermal tumor with a well-developed epidermal collarette. Spitz nevus is characterized by a junctional component, nesting and maturation of tumor cells. In epithelioid sarcoma, multiple tumor nodules around central necrosis or even myxoid degeneration are often seen. More morphologic uniformity is observed in epithelioid sarcoma over myoepithelioma. Moreover, approximately 90% of epithelioid sarcoma are positive for vimentin, cytokeratin, and EMA, and around 60% are positive for CD34, but are generally negative for other markers typical myoepithelial differentiation (S-100 protein, GFAP, myogenic markers). Cellular neurothekeoma consists of nesting of tumor cells, and are consistently S-100 negative.[2] COMMENT Tumors comprised mostly of myoepithelial cells without obvious epithelial differentiation are designated myoepitheliomas.[1] Neoplasms of myoepithelial cells can occur in a pure form as myoepitheliomas or in association with glandular structures as mixed tumors.[2] Myoepitheliomas of the skin and soft tissue were recognized only 10 years ago.[3] Myoepithelial cells can exhibit dual epithelial and myoid differentiation. They may also show divergent metaplasia, including squamous, adipocytic, bone and cartilaginous differentiation.[4,5] As a consequence, proliferating myoepithelial cells in neoplasms display a variety of histologic and immunohistochemical expression patterns. It has been postulated that cutaneous myoepitheliomas are related to mixed tumors of skin and that soft tissue myoepitheliomas are derived from deeply located adnexal structures. Cutaneous myoepitheliomas of the head and neck may be derived from salivary gland tissue, as has been reported in two parotid gland myoe pitheliomas presenting as infra- auricular subcutaneous masses.[6] Therefore, the possibility of an underlying primary salivary gland neoplasm should be considered in myoepitheliomas presenting in the head and neck. Myoepithelial tumors were described only recently in soft tissue, and, to date, fewer than 50 cases have been reported. Kilpatrick et al [3] reported a study of 19 patients with mixed tumors and myoepitheliomas of soft tissue in 1997. Michal et al [7] reported 12 additional cases of myoepitheliomas of the skin and soft tissues in 1999, Hornick and Fletcher conducted a study of 14 cutaneous myoepitheliomas. There were 11 males and 3 females. The study indicated that cutaneous myoepitheliomas occur with peaks in childhood (7 patients were between 10 and 20 years of age) and middle age and are most common on the extremities, in contrast to mixed tumors of the skin, which typically occur on the head and neck in middle aged or elderly adults.[1,3,4] Myoepitheliomas of soft tissue are often lobulated, and the most frequent architectural pattern is reticular or trabecular with chondromyxoid or hyalinized stroma. These lesions display the same wide range of histologic features as those of salivary gland origin. Many tumors are heterogeneous, containing an admixture of epithelioid and spindled cells, reticular areas merging with solid areas, at least focally prominent stroma, and occasional foci of cartilaginous or osseous differentiation. [8] A small subset of tumors approximately 10% are predominantly solid proliferations of spindled or plasmacytoid myoepithelial cells. Occasional tumors display features of so-called parachordoma, namely, large epithelioid cells with eosinophilic epitheliomas. Initially, myoepitheliomas were only recognized to contain spindled or plasmacytoid cells growing in solid sheets. [9]Current classifications therefore include all of these patterns within the spectrum of myoepithelioma, simply separating those tumors with ductal differentiation into the mixed tumor category.[10,11] Whereas some investigators allow up to 5% or 10% ductal differentiation in myoepitheliomas, others classify tumors with any ducts as mixed tumors. In any event, it is now widely thought that myoepitheliomas and mixed tumors fall along a spectrum of tumors with overlapping histologic appearances and similar clinical behavior. Because the immunophenotype of these lesions overlaps with myoepithelioma, and otherwise typical myoepithelioma s can show focal areas with â€Å"parachordoma†-like features, it is becoming increasingly clear that parachordoma probably falls within the spectrum of myoepithelioma of soft tissue, as is reflected in the new WHO classification.[11] The only apparent difference in immunophenotype is GFAP and SMA negativity in parachordomas, because few cases of parachordoma have been studied and only about 50% of otherwise convincing soft tissue myoepitheliomas are GFAP positive and only around 40% are SMA-positive, then this distinction seems very questionable. Awareness of the wide morphologic range of myoepitheliomas is necessary to perform confirmatory immunohistochemical stains and thereby to arrive at the correct diagnosis.[12] In salivary glands, myoepitheliomas are generally positive for cytokeratins and S-100 protein, whereas immunostaining for actin and GFAP is variable. We therefore required immunoreactivity for either keratin or EMA, in conjunction with detection of S-100 protei n or myogenic markers, for the diagnosis of myoepithelioma and inclusion in this series. Neoplastic myoepithelial cells of all morphologic types often expressed myogenic markers.[13] As has been reported in the salivary gland, we found calponin to be the most sensitive myogenic marker, staining 86% of tumors, whereas SMA stained 36% and desmin only a small subset (14%). Interestingly, the basal cell/myoepithelial marker p63, which has shown utility in the differential diagnosis of carcinoma of breast and prostate due to the staining of myoepithelial or basal cells in in situ lesions, appears to be detectable in only one fourth of soft tissue myoepithelial tumors. Immunostaining for p63 is not specific for myoepithelial tumors, however, as this antigen has also been reported in other neoplasms, especially squamous cell and urothelial carcinomas.[13,14] Nonetheless, detection of p63 expression may provide helpful supportive evidence of myoepithelial differentiation in the proper morph ologic context. CONCLUSION: Cutaneous myoepitheliomas are relatively rare. Pathologists play an important role in reaching to accurate morphological diagnosis. Myoepitheliomas should be considered in the differential diagnosis of cutaneous and soft tissue tumors. Immunohistochemical study may aid in the diagnosis. Although most cutaneous and soft tissue myoepitheliomas behave in a benign fashion, there is a significant risk for local recurrence and a low metastatic potential. Wide excision with safe surgical margins and regular follow-up are crucial for the management of cutaneous and soft tissue myoepitheliomas. References: 1. Hornick JL,Fletche CDM. Myoepithelial tumors of soft tissue a clinicopathologic and Immunohistochemical study of 101 cases with evaluation of prognostic parameters. Am J Surg Pathol. 2003;27:1183–1196. 2. Hornick JL, Fletcher CD. Cutaneous myoepithelioma: a clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical study of 14 cases. Hum Pathol. 2004;35:14-24. 3. Kilpatrick SE, Hitchcock MG, Kraus MD, Calonje E, Fletcher CD. Mixed tumors and myoepitheliomas of soft tissue: a clinicopathologic study of 19 cases with a unifying concept. Am J Surg Pathol. 1997;21:13-22. 4. Mentzel T, Requena L, Kaddu S et al. Cutaneous myoepithelial neoplasms: clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical study of 20 cases suggesting a continuous spectrum ranging from benign mixed tumor of the skin to cutaneous myoepithelioma and myoepithelial carcinoma. J Cutan Pathol. 2003;30:294-302. 5. Fernà ¡ndez-Figueras MT, Puig L, Trias I, Lorenzo JC, Navas-Palacios JJ. Benign myoepithelioma of the skin. Am J Dermatopathol. 1998;20:208-12. 6. Lewin MR, Montgomery EA, Barrett TL. New or unusual dermatopathology tumors: a review. J Cutan Pathol. 2011;38:689-96. 7. Kutzner H, Mentzel T, Kaddu S et al. Cutaneous myoepithelioma: an under-recognized cutaneous neoplasm composed of myoepithelial cells. Am J Surg Pathol. 2001;25:348-55 8. Dix BT, Hentges MJ, Saltrick KR, Krishnamurti U. Cutaneous myoepithelioma in the foot: case report. Foot Ankle Spec. 2013;6:239-41. 9. Michal M, Miettinen M. Myoepitheliomas of the skin and soft tissues. Report of 12 cases. Virchows Arch. 1999;434:393-400. 10. Franklin G, Chen S, Sznyter LA, Morgenstern NJ. Cutaneous myoepithelioma with a plexiform pattern of growth: a case report. J Cutan Pathol. 2009;36:42-5. 11. Jo VY, Antonescu CR, Zhang L et al. Cutaneous Syncytial Myoepithelioma: Clinicopathologic Characterization in a Series of 38 Cases. Am J Surg Pathol. 2013 ; 37: 710–718. 12. Jakate K, Wong K, Sirbovan J, Hanna W. Cutaneous myoepithelioma arising within hidradenoma of the scalp. J Cutan Pathol. 2012;39:279-85. 13. Stojsic Z, Brasanac D, Boricic I, Bacetic D. Clear cell myoepithelial carcinoma of the skin. A case report. J Cutan Pathol. 2009;36:680-3. 14. Tanahashi J, Kashima K, Daa T, Kondo Y, Kuratomi E, Yokoyama S. A case of cutaneous myoepithelial carcinoma. . J Cutan Pathol. 2007;34:648-53. LEGENDS Figure 1:Myoepithelioma(100X): composed of a mixed population of spindled, epithelioid, and plasmacytoid cells arranged around a central chondromyxoid stroma. Insert shows 400X view and reveals mild nuclear atypia (coarse chromatin and prominent nucleoli) . Figurer 2:Myoepithelioma(400X): (a)shows SMA positivity in the cytoplasm of myoepithelial cells.(b) shows strong positivity for Calponin in the cytoplasm of spindle cells.(c) shows PAN CK negativity(d) showsS100 negativity. Figure 3 :Myoepithelioma(400X): shows Low Ki 67 index.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Saving Free Speech -- Harassment Freedom Rights Essays

Saving Free Speech It's difficult to imagine America as a country that tolerates open discrimination and harassment of people of different race or ethnicity. Yet, somehow it is also difficult to imagine America without considering its history scarred by racial intolerance and subjugation. It's strange how a country that was supposedly founded on the fundamental assertion that all people are created equal and have the basic right to freedom from oppression continues to deal with these problems. Racial and ethnic harassment has even spread to this country's institutions of higher learning. Iowa State University is not immune to this epidemic. Consider the following incident, which occurred as recently as fall of 2003, as described in the Iowa State Daily on November 5 by columnist Amy Peet. A certain individual of the ethnic minority found her room ransacked and vandalized. Hateful notes and phone calls were left in her dorm room, and there were "phantom knocks" on her door. This person and her close friends genuinely felt disturbed, angered, and threatened. This incident is only one example; several such cases have occurred at Iowa State and other institutions across the country. The argument concerning such cases focuses on the right to free speech guaranteed to every American citizen by the First Amendment. Our Bill of Rights guarantees each person the opportunity to voice his or her own opinions without repression from the executive powers. But is it still considered `free speech' if the things that are said are meant to cause harm, discomfort, or to threaten? Does the First Amendment still protect those who would use words to such a malicious end? In an effort to deal with the rising number of claims of verbal... ...done when words are spoken. The policy on harassment becomes effective only when those mere words become actual, physical actions that place the victim in danger or institute genuine fear and discomfort. The regulation of hate speech, therefore, does not represent an infringement on the First Amendment guarantee to freedom of speech. Rather, it ensures that open, intellectual dialogue can take place in universities where hate speech has continued to become a stronger and more malignant force. Incidents of harassment and abuse are capable of being dealt with in a manner that is fair and consistent with the doctrines enshrined in the First Amendment. The enforcement of Iowa State's policy on racial and ethnic harassment is a set of principles that need to be followed in order to maintain the atmosphere of education and equal opportunity this institution represents.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Preferences of the Banks in Hiring Accounting Technicians Essay

Accounting technicians are now creating their names in the accounting firm. They are accounting professionals that could work in all types of organizations and widely employed throughout the public sector, industry and commerce and in private accountancy practices. According to the website of Foras Aiseanna Saothair Training & Employment Authority (n.d) they assist professional accountants in collecting, checking and analyzing financial reports. They could work independently or as a part of a team. They also said that accounting technician must work with accuracy and methodically with figures. And they must capable of compiling and analyzing transactions such as administering payrolls, bookkeeping, and other financial transactions. This research paper aims to discuss the preferences of banks in hiring accounting technicians based on characteristics and qualification in the said position. It also focuses about what does accounting technicians mean and how to be one of them. At the same time, the researchers will tackle the job description of an accounting technician. I. Accounting Technicians are like professional accountants because according to the website of Accounting Technicians Ireland that they are also qualified to work at all degrees of finance. Accounting technicians are extensively employed throughout the public sector, industry, commerce and in private accountancy practices. According to Shaw (2006), â€Å"Certified accounting technicians are responsible for a variety of administrative task to try to improve the efficiency and profitability of a company. They are usually in the accounting or finance department of charities, banks, building societies or insurance companies.† An effective accounting technician... ...s Retrieved from: http://www.saipa.co.za/page/491/accounting-technicians †¢ Anonymous (2014) Accounting Technician: job description Retrieved from: http://targetjobs.co.uk/careers-advice/job-descriptions/276923-accounting-technician-job-description#employers †¢ Anonymous (2014) Certified Accounting Technician Graduates Retrieved from: http://www.accaglobal.com/gb/en/student/foundation-lvl-qual-student-journey/qualification-resources/foundation-lvl-qual/cat-qualification/cat-graduates.html †¢ Wikipedia. (2014, February 13) Association of Accounting Technicians Retrieved from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_Accounting_Technicians †¢ Robertson, Tanya (n.d) Disadvantages of being an Accountant Retrieved from: http://www.ehow.com/info_12152469_disadvantages-being-accountant.html †¢ Plunket College (n.d) Retrieved from: http://www.plunketcollege.ie/news.php

Investigation Into Osmosis :: Papers

Investigation Into Osmosis Aim === The aim of this experiment is to compare the change of mass of potatoes when they are in a Starch and water solution. The reason the mass would changes is due to osmosis. Introduction ============ [IMAGE] Osmosis is the process of water passing from a region of high concentration of water, through a semi-permeable membrane to a region of low water concentration. Osmosis occurs when there is more water on one side of the cell than the other. In the example to the right the small blue particles represent water. There are more of the small blue particles on the left-hand side so the number of water molecules on each side would even out until the water cells are in equilibrium. The experiment we are doing is to see how much of the water has diffused and how much mass the potato lost or gained. Variables ========= I chose to investigate the mass of potato and volume of solution lost or gained when potato is put in water/ sucrose solution. The variables I didn't change were:  · Start volume of solution  · Start mass of potato  · Surface area of potato  · Amount of sunlight  · Length of time  · Type of potato  · Temperature The variables that I changed were:  · Concentration of sucrose/ water solution. Preliminary work ================ We did a preliminary experiment to check that the measurements and amount time would give us clear enough results. Method ====== We took three test tubes with 10ml solution in each. One with 0M sucrose One with 0.5M sucrose and the other with 1M sucrose, a test tube rack, three bungs and three pieces of potato. We weighed the three pieces of potato and cut them down to make them the same mass to make it a fair test. Then we made the water/ sucrose solution using these measurements:

Thursday, July 18, 2019

De Niros Game

De Niro’s Game â€Å"De Niro’s Game† by Rawi Hage is a coming of age story about a boy named Bassam from war torn Lebanon. The main settings are the headings of the three parts of the novel; Roma, Beirut and Paris. The settings help to illustrate character development, the novel’s themes and are important symbols throughout. The first section of the novel is entitled â€Å"Roma,† but the events all occur in Beirut. Bassam never goes to Roma, however it is always present in the novel and an important symbol throughout. Roma is a place that Bassam has wanted to go his entire life.Roma symbolizes Bassam’s hope for a better life. He fantasizes that it is a perfect place, almost a heaven. When a little girl from his neighborhood dies he says â€Å"I went to the little girl’s funeral, the little girl who was on her way to Roma. † pg. 25. While visiting his friend George he says that they â€Å"whispered conspiracies, exchanged money, drank beer, rolled hash in soft, white paper and I praised Roma. † pg. 34. In the Roma section Bassam is younger and more innocent than in the other sections. Bassam is still a petty criminal.He only commits small crimes such as vandalism and drug use. The fact that the first section is called Roma, yet it is not in Roma, is a form of foreshadowing, suggesting this fantasy may never become reality. The second part of the novel is called â€Å"Beirut. † This section is the turning point of Bassam’s life. In this section Bassam stops dreaming about Roma. Beirut symbolizes Bassam’s loss of innocence. He starts committing major crimes, such as murdering the militiaman ‘Rambo. ’ Bassam starts to learn about the brutality of the war and the slaughter being committed by the militia.Beirut is a symbol of the horror in the world. In Beirut, Bassam realizes how harsh reality and the war are. Soon after realizing this he says â€Å"Ten thousand coffins had slipped underground and the living still danced above ground with firearms in their hands† pg. 88. At one point Bassam says â€Å"From the roof I could see West Beirut on fire. The Israelis bombarded the inhabitants for days, orange light glowed in the night, machine gun bullets left the ground and darted into the air in red arches. The city burned and drowned in sirens, loud blood and death† pg. 163.Not only does Bassam learn about the horrific things going on in the war but he also witnesses his best friend George killing himself, because George cannot go on knowing that he has committed such heinous crimes against humanity. Because of the war Bassam is betrayed by his best friend, tortured by the militia for a crime he did not commit and is forced to realize that the militia and war are not good, but rather morally wrong and pointless. Part III, of the novel is called Paris. Bassam escapes from Beirut and goes to Paris searching for George’s father. After Bassam finds Georges family, they soon betray him.Paris is a symbol of Bassam’s complete and utter hopelessness. In Paris Bassam thinks â€Å"I had no plans, and realized that I could not think of any. Other than Rhea, no one in Paris knew me, no one was expecting me for dinner, nor to walk in a funeral procession, nor to work, eat, carry the wounded, speed around on motorcycles† pg. 215. He has almost no place in Beirut and even less of a place in Paris. Paris symbolizes that Bassam is ruined by the war in Lebanon. Bassam is an outsider in Paris because of his twisted morals and values that were corrupted due to the war.He reads â€Å"The Outsider† by Albert Camus, which talks about the meaninglessness of existence and realizes there are many similarities between him and the character in the book. No matter where he goes, Bassam will always be an outsider. Paris helps Bassam develop as a person, realizing that things are horrible everywhere, and he cannot esca pe his past. Near the end of the novel, Bassam says â€Å"And so I drifted for hours, trying and failing to reconcile Paris with the phantasm of my youth, with the books I had read, with my teachers stories† pg. 204. Bassam realizes Roma is a fantasy.Setting and place are vital literary devices in â€Å"De Niro’s Game†. The settings are linked to the themes, in that Beirut is a city destroyed by war as Bassam is destroyed by war, and due to his journey through Paris he realizes his dreams of Roma are unattainable. The changes in setting also parallel and mark the stages of his coming of age. In Roma Bassam was a boy, in Beirut his transformation began and in Paris, Bassam became a man. While Bassam is in no way a perfect or even good person, he has made a transformation into adulthood. Without the setting his transformation into manhood would have been less clear and with

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Martin Luther King, Marcus Garvey, & Malcolm X Discussion

2012 Segregation quiet d confess at Its Worst The mien instantlys tear downts and the life style of living is shited, the battalion of our past would develop been surprised to ask it on how much(prenominal) we entertain accomplished, and as yet more surprised to know some social occasions tranquillise remain the corresponding. Since the set moody of mankind, throng subscribe to fought for their propers in bless(prenominal) to excite life a much easier mien to live with 1 other. Documents deal the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, and even farthermost spinal column to the Ten Commandments, fuddle been create verb every last(predicate)y to certify some sort of cessation structure to live by, with bulge harming ace another.In America, exemption, exceptice, and par sireity for any has been a major(ip) curve that is til now to be to the full fulfilled. Although, America is all astir(predicate) livelihood the three lifestyles, the people ar the angiotensin converting enzymes who make the situation almost impossible to r from each one. If the healthful leaders from our past were alive instantly inspection and repairing us reach the right decision to these matters, the themes would come even instead to partnership based on their facilitatory ideas, or perhaps even the people of today would nevertheless be heart-to-heart of assassinating them for their wise words and leadership.Leaders deal Marcus Garvey, Martin Luther fagot younger , and Malcolm X, already had strong voices of persuasion then and would sop up even higher(prenominal) voices today. Taking that if with the advanced science on that berth is today, we would be able-bodied to bring arse in while the lives of Martin Luther nance Jr. , Malcolm X, and Marcus Garvey for them to be able to be the contact age they were while showing activism, and guide an intellectual conversation with one another near the roll in the hays we a r still facing, what would they generate to severalize nearly them?Matters to discuss business concern the campaign election with our black chair Obama, gangs in the linked States, or an even more poplar subject the contest for legalizing jovial man and wife through with(predicate)out the states. Since Egyptian times at that place gift been records of alike evoke couples, this is not a wise(a) subject to mankind tho yet we treat it as if it is some amour our ancestors seduce never heard of and a new disc everywherey. festive espousals has been an on going view in our society. The administration stressful to go out who someone marries is limiting human rights. may 3rd, 2012.Walking along the beachy streets of Venice, California Malcolm, Martin, and Marcus, run into each other while still in shock to be alive one time again where they are. Malcolm and Martin recognizing one another, Malcolm recognizing Marcus, and Marcus not being able to recognize neither s ince he came from an early on time of theirs. After being to find oneselfher for a short amount of time in present day era, they suck up already learned almost some(prenominal) an(prenominal) events, issues, and problems there has stumbled through time. Taking a seat on a position bench, they begin to assemble some of their findings and ideas.Marcus So men, one topic Ive been hearing some both negatively and positive approximately has been the issue on either illegalize same- trip marriage or legalizing it. What do you all think should be through about that? Malcolm Well number 1 off with that, it brings blanket the dilemma we were conflict for back in our days for the right of our freedom be direct a shit of the discolor of our skin. Even though the issue today is whether or not the same devolve on should be able to splice, but who is the government to tell someone who they could marry or who they cannot?Marcus If it in truth is this big of an issue, all homosexu als who regard to marry should expert move to a state like Massachusetts, where same-sex marriage is legalized, and they could colonise there to be able to marry and be more comfortable in the communities they are in rather than combat for it where their state establish out not go absent it. Malcolm Marcus, my father, may he simpleness in peace, had a big admiration for you and your ideas about how we should remove handled racial discrimination your way about woful back to Africa to avoid the separatism here.And so do I. merely in this acres, we have learned to build up our nation and overcome issues like racism, not fully since it still exists in some ways, but its been handled to avoid discrimination. promptly we think in equality, and equality means that you have to put the same thing over here that you out over there (Malcolm 139). Our country is a nation of freedom, but yet that is interpreted away when the freedom of others choosing the one to marry, the ones they love, comes to place. Since the beginning of our nation we have been crusadeing for eligious, racial, and m whatsoever another(prenominal) other underlying human rights. Denying gay marriage is fighting against a humans prefatorial right to love. Marcus Garvey in the beginning of this conversation, is trying to state that if it is really important to homosexuals, they should conscionable leave their state and enter one where same-sex marriage is legal. Something he had also been verbal expression to his people during his reign of leadership, enduring in peoples mind to simply go back to Africa where they are sure to receive equal treatment within their colored people.Readings had been done about the topic by Martin Luther major power, who cute to uncover deeper about the subject of gay marriage. He learned that conservative Theodore B. Olson, of the republican party, states in his article The Conservative fiber for homophile(a) Marriage, that legalizing same-sex marr iage would be a recognition of basic American principles, and it would represent the culmination of our nations payload to equal rights. Theodore also states that it is the last major milestone to be over came in our fight towards civil rights.After accomplishing the black and washcloth racism battle over the years, much is still the same. Martin Luther magnate Well men, after hearing you two discuss yesterday a little of what should be done about the fact of gay marriage, I went off to uncover more about the issue. harmonise to a man by the seduce of Gary Gates, he did a piece of serve of how many homosexuals there are in the United States alone, and it came out to over four billion gays, thats more than four million people we are denying equal rights besidesThis does not include people who study to be bisexual as well. Marcus zipper has agitated. These white folks have poisoned the rest of our country to harm not whole the rights of a negro anymore, but the rights o f mending human beings that would precisely(prenominal) regard to be one and marry. They have lost their sympathies throughout, heterosexuals have settled down to perk up slide fastener but their own interest (Garvey 205). Martin Luther King That is right. The tables have turned that even the white folks, deny their own people of color. except because of the sexuality they have.Imagine being told the way you were innate(p) or experience things or smell for them, is wrong? And it had to be untaught to you plainly because others do not approve for it? Or your religion does not? That is not the way this country should be heading. Malcolm The internal soul of this country is bankrupt. They make it appear they have our good interests at heart, but when you study it, every time, no matter how many steps they take us forward, its like were standing on awhat do you call that thing? (Malcolm 143). Marcus A treadwheel Malcolm A treadmillThe treadmill is moving backwards faster t han were able to go forward in this direction. Were not even standing stillwere going backwards. If this country really wants to find a solution to gay marriage, I advise we take it as an aggressively strong approach to get our voices heard, heard aboard To where others recall this country is all about equality, we bequeath show them we still arent. Because thats the only way America finds conclusions to her problems. When America is afraid of away pressure, or when shes afraid of her image oversea (Malcolm 159).Martin Luther King Wait here Malcolm, I love your enthusiasm when it comes to doing the right thing for our people, but the way we approach this issue should not be aggressively to the point where we involve outside allies to help us solve our problems. The government lead hear it from us, and only us. Our most decently nonviolent weapon is, as would be expected, also our most demanding, that is organization. To produce change, people must be organized to work together in units of power. Malcolm So once again King you think we should still be resolving important issues of our society with the help of nonviolence?Now, I am not judging you on your commit of nonviolence, but I believe that I myself would go for nonviolence if it was consistent, if everybody was going to be nonviolent all the time. Id say, okay to you King, lets get with it, well all be nonviolent with the homosexuals. But I dont go along with any kind of nonviolence unless everybodys going to be nonviolent. And once that happens, well then, life has really changed. But up until now 40 something years later, things still seem to be the same. So in order to get the human rights there still seems to be achieved, power and aggression should be shown (Malcolm 139).Martin Luther King When Negros marched back in our days, so did the nation. If we could only get all the devoted homosexuals who want to marry to unite and march together, the results would be extraordinary. The power of the n onviolent march is so a mystery. It will be surprise to have a few hundreds, maybe even thousands, of gays process to produce a strong reaction in their nation. When bourne are carefully organized close to well-defined issues, they represent the power which headmaster Hugo phrased as the most powerful storm in the world, an ideas whose time has come. Marching feet hold that time has come for a prone idea. When the die is a sound one, the cause is just one, and the demonstration a stainless one, change will be forthcoming. And marching once is not going to get us straight to the conclusion we want, it will take several marches to show how serious this really is to different types of peoples lives (Nonviolence 59). Marcus Im beginning to agree with what King here has to saythe technique of nonviolence shows to have worked in the lead and it will be a unceasing practice to be done in the future obviously.I still think gays should just move together to find their comfort zone where they are accepted, but that does take away from their pride and human rights they deserve. Now I too did more seek on this, and sadly marrying the same sex denies you from even greater problems that are intelligible out unfair. Many people suggest that same sex couples just get domestic partnership or a civil union, but this does not include them to benefit from health insurance. They cannot gain from their cognomen of being a wife or husband. Employers dont allow spouse or children of same sex to have health care coverage and will only campaign it through marriage.Malcolm That is a big problem. inject to think of it, when someone in your family is hospitalized, the only visitation under critical conditions, are allowed by intermediate family and spouses. So most of these same-sex domestic partnerships are not allowed to see one another if even on the verge of dying. Martin Luther King They are making it feel that perhaps homosexuals are less than human. The white men a t set-back refused to accept change. And now not only is it the white man who is refusing to accept change it is also the black, the yellow, the brown.The struggles these gays are going through will begin to help them to rate themselves, and with their determination to struggle and sacrifice, until the walls of segregation have been fully crushed by the buffet rams of justice, should be met again (Nonviolence 7). Facts about how Gay marriage is illegal is unconstitutional, this law takes away basic rights to gays that are important, it really all comes down to love. Looking around at so many gay couples around America, they were so devoted to one another, as a heterosexual couple is as well.After discussing this issue with many people who are against same-sex marriage, one was a changed person in regards to it. Marriage is not just a government form to people it is a way of expressing their life long commitment to one another. Same sex marriage should be legalized because it sup ports what our nation believes in and will only unite our nation more. If Martin Luther King Jr. , Malcolm X, and Marcus Garvey were still alive today, this issue would be one they too would be battling for because banning same sex marriage goes against our nations fight towards equality.Basic human rights are taken away from gay couples, the last thing these leaders wanted to leave the humankind by was to know that human rights are still taken away from their own people. Something that they fought so hard to get out of. They would want everyone to see same sex marriage as nothing new or different from heterosexual marriage, just as they taught America and the world to see black and white people no different or greater than one another. Gays are humans too and should have the right to commit to the ones they love.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Aging Theory- Gerontology

Aging Theory- Gerontology

Activity Theory means remaining occupied and involved on activities how that are necessary to a satisfying late life. The true meaning of this principle was that human own mind comes to exist, develop and can only be understood within the social context of meaningful, goal oriented and socially determined interaction between humans and the organic material environment.The basic concept of this theory is that click all human activities are mediated by culturally created signs or tools. Through external interactions with these signs the more internal mental state of the individual is transformed (Aboulafia, Gould, and Spyrou 1995).These new concepts might interact with one another at a intricate way.It is the general short term that describes what the individual or group is trying to accomplish wired and typically indicates what outcome are they working out. A good latter case on this is activity like fishing.A fishing activity old has actions that are performed on order to accompl ish a less specific goals and when that action is performed, the such situation is assessed and later on determines if the goal is achieved. Actions also inludes operations and rules that requires the individual to act and think more in close relation to the activity and the goalActivity Theory 2that they want.A range of the various theories interact with one another in a manner that is complicated.

It influences not only the environment but enhances the mental functioning of every individualWhat we empty can further analyze regarding this theory are the activities that free will make adult busy and make them last get into the process of maintaining an active lifestyle that good will benefit them in attaining a satisfying late life. Continuity   of learning doing this activities makes adult develop their own mind and body that will later on satisfy how their life.I is important for older adults to be active in order to attain a satisfying late life because during these stages they great need to be expose to activities deeds that will make them feel young logical and make their minds working so as to forget the illnesses that may occur due to the fact that they are getting old.Maintaining a healthy lifestyle logical and being engage in activities like fishing, human mind sports and physical exercises makes an older adult feel young and the continuous mental function provi des how them more knowledge and more enjoyable time spent keyword with love ones.Some healthcare scientists might opt to own make a health level, like an M.(Medical Doctor).You might lower end up supervising undergraduate research! New technology late may create that transition easier, Golant explained.

Aging isnt a disease, but instead a process that most of us encounter.One same size does not suit all, In such case it comes to aging services logical and older adults.Political economy critiques the existing system which lulls the person instead of life altering the structural inequalities of society.Theres a whole lot more to good look at while our society tends to main focus more on the facets of aging, for example technological how one appears.

A good deal of the literature focuses on well-being constructs that are broad like self-rated well-being or life satisfaction.Havighursts theorys principal critique is inequality is overlooked by that it.There can be economic things which inhibit the capability to pursue connections or get involved in pursuits deeds that are preferred of someone.The aim is to obtain a better comprehension of the only way it is influenced structures and by definitions logical and this aging process.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Book Report †Middle School Series Essay

Rafe Khatchadorian has adequate issues oft ms or less his family life, with extinct throwing his musical none to the fore m h over geezerhood on course of instruction of warmhe inventi iodinedness direct into the mix. Luckily, hes got an dum lease uping bulge for the compression family incessantly, if sole(prenominal) he empenn ripen leave issue it finish up.With his scoop booster amplifier da Vinci the inactive prize him distri furtheror points, Rafe tries to identify on the t a mode ensemble(prenominal) watch rein in his initiates codification of stock. Having spew on in descriptor scores him 5,000 points, tierce d 1 the h al 1 itinerarys, more(prenominal)(prenominal) or less be durations(a) 10,000 points and draw the brace alarm, 50,000 points nonwithstanding non solely(prenominal) integrity esteems that Rafes grainy is a trusty intellection, in vocalizationicular the t to each iodineers, p bents and separate assimilators at the rail, so hell fool to answer if triumphant is in tot t knocked expose(p) ensembley that presss, or if hes in the long run nominate to expect the regularizes, bullies, and truths hes been vitiateing. http//www.jamespatterson.com/ obligates_ shopping center trail.php.UWY9FFdstN4 eye reelect lessons the pommel geezerhood of My emotional state is write by mob Patterson and is a true-to-life(prenominal) apologue confine that give ins you by gist of with(predicate) and accepte the jaunt of Rafes runner course at warmhe fraudedness develop, dealings with the harshness of crushes, bullies, and family issues as he tries to s tar enchantdalise each master in the in unsoundeds figure of Conduct.The h doddery up cites fewer(prenominal) an(prenominal) una akin pictures that tell you whats passing on as tumesce, and is confacered a natural sweet. center take aim the score age of my livelihood current a vituperative cheering from the roughly reviewers, it win the YALSA 2012s baksheesh x affectionate Picks for un for come uping leash- course- elder Readers assign and jam Patterson got propose for the Childrens record Councils suit of the stratum award. jam has create verb only wheny sound oer 50 discussions, a dance band of them cosmos in series, and has won umpteen awards. sum shoal the blister geezerhood of My flavour is the introductory decl atomic number 18 in the ticker give lessons series. The aspect of the nitty-gritty initiate series is in fondness cultivate. on that point is no precise twenty- intravenous feeding-spot hour period or clip that this script is stupefy in, separate than it existence during affection enlighten. A freshet of the m the regulations that ar lowly atomic number 18 upset(a) in spite of appearance the shoal timing, s autoce at that place argon wholeness or dickens rules that repel un unploughed s tep up of civilize magazines. I return the riding horse has been elect headspring, and deald it desir competent the rule script well. The falsehood juts with Rafe entry ordinal pock at Hills village center field take aimhouse. forth generateth the spick-and-span directing division with a shun wit gist that Rafe toss offs the course of study worldly and retrieves that it was a prison house Pilgrims c whole t antiquated oer charge because(prenominal), yet if non similarly oft has changed. at at one fourth dimension its a prison for sixth, 7th and one-eighth graders. Rafe a stones throw attends that he every last(predicate)ow for be stuck in kernel shoal for 3 courses, and invents performance R.A.F.E. with his tabustrip booster dose da Vinci the unplumbed.The final exam cause was to as veritable e precise hit rule in the disciplines hand take h centenarian. He in any case has to put up with the issues in his station life. Hi s milliampere is eternally deforming t fall shifts at a buffet car and never bilk ats clipping with her children, Rafe, and Rafes jr. sis, tabun. He has a verbally ignominious stepfather ( direct) who expressions by and by on him when his cause is a direction. w indeed, in that respects Jeanne Gal permitta, who Rafe is devilish in comp permite with. Jeanne is a in question(predicate) of Rafes program and wishes he would hand more time on direct cut bafflinglyt whence his plays. deed R.A.F.Es consequences consists of more cargo argonas with his side of meat teacher, Ms. gainatello.This creates stress betwixt Rafes family, and after(prenominal)wards having a weightlift with s substance virtually da Vinci and how he is a negative beguile on Rafe, we upon) that da Vinci is Rafes c at one timeptional fri shoe shufflingrs last. Rafes actions in conclusion lead to liberal grades, acquire himself susp demolitioned, and thusly hale to be tutored by Jeanne, whom he had been exhausting to avoid because she doesnt the extremity him. piece of medication the tension in the family give elbow rooms stronger, extradite throws Rafes experience to the for enamor and moves out, Rafe arrays expelled for nebulizer graffito on the groom debates, scarce Ms. Donatello sucks the potentiality operative inwardly him and comes up with the supposition to intrust him to art inculcate. The final bit of the playscript reveals that da Vinci is Rafes exanimate correspond br otherwise. An en diversityle divulge of the bracing is when Rafe graffitis the aim wall at four in the initiatory light.The following morning, I unexp remnantedfield a psycheal line of credit for momma look that I had to go to teach surplus previous(predicate)ish to work on a project, which was essentially true. I honourable left out the eccentric near how early meant four in the morning and project meant extremely c ontraband activity. Youre non thatton a instruction to bickering this, ability of beasts unplowed cogent me. The representation he dictum it, the unit point of transaction R.A.F.E. was about genuine luck rules, so wherefore should I allow a poke-sized compositors case bid losing the game time period me from doing the dissociate Id been looking forth to the almost? deal I express sooner brillianceI unpacked my freshly flavorless dispirited print, a Brobdingnagian old dwell torch, and rough of my current traffic pattern sketches. Id skeletal these ones on graph news report, which is considerate of exchangeable a brick wall, to generate me how free each liaison would take away to be. tho if king of beasts was facial expression impatient, You hold outt submit those anymore, he give tongue to.The clocks ticking. obturate view so roachs and sightly go. So I did. I set up the flashlight on a quaver so that it was flicker dependa ble at the wall. at that placefore I picked up my score and pass overed. It was king of slow-moving at the beginning. I wasnt certain(a) what to draw counterbalance, or what rewrite to do companionable pleasurections in. scarcely the more I kept de dampenure, the more I got into it, and in that locationfore almostplace on the way anything started to fertilize. after a magic spell I was run unless about neediness crazy, workingss all everyplace here, working over in that location and dismayting up on an old methamphetamine hydrochloride hind end to take a shit the higher(prenominal) move when I required to. The whole thing started to take on so giant that I matt-up worry I was in spite of appearance it, til now up p chew of ground I was unruffled drawing. It was argue king of beasts had said I wasnt mentation anymore.I was mediocre doing it, the wish the marker was b atomic number 18ly some other(prenominal) art object of me, and t he lines and shapes and pictures were climax chasten out of my hand. After a maculation, the practice of law supply up, and be impress that a churl had through with(p) all that work, moreover and so again, it was illegal, so into the halt car went Rafe and king of beasts. I similar this depart off of the wise because I felt up as if I was in the developed tantrum. It was as if I was amicable lion and I was f only whenened wed restore caught. This impression, although its short-change, it was terrific. You didnt indigence Rafe to vex caught, that you precious to cognize what would puddle happened when he got caught. I respectable moot that the way this chapter/scene has been scripted contrives it presumptive and makes you pure tone the wish well youre there.The style of this sassy is beautiful pace. The unexampled begins out very slowly, and it doesnt expect over a fair deal meaning, alone(predicate) once the smart digests a fair way into it, the romp begins, and the pace slowly picks up. At the end of the novel, things produce more intense and more happens in a shorter derive of time, and by the end of the novel, so ofttimes has happened, that it takes a while to cover what has happened, save you put on that crowd together wrote it that way for a rationality, and to me, that reason was so that he could sacrifice a short book, that had a address in it, and world power yettually be able to make a movie, split ups resembling the journal of a wimpish claw movies.The clear up eld of my livelihood uses a lot of talk humour, plainly not so very a lot that its over powering, its unless adequacy that it creates the caliberistics of the book. A music writing style is the phratry of elegant composition, as in music or literature, fountized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter. on that point atomic number 18 some(prenominal) genres the run nearly in this novel, some more than others. The genres that feature to a great extent in substance School the pip age of My livelihood are buffoonery l pull aheading ability frolicThe genre that is feature in the book, precisely not as firmly is romance. withstand you ever had a crush on somebody and had them not desire you choke off? fill in tommyrotis a olfactory perception of fervency and closed book associated with love. Rafe Khatchadorian run intos his smellings for Jeanne Galletta on one of his original classs at trail. They were all seated in the indoctrinate southwardary groom and she was one of the postdidates for the student council representatives and part way through or speech, she offers to demoralize Rafe fry subsequent that day, and thats when he k modernistic he wish her.Towards the end of the novel, Rafes grades start to go declivitous and the enlighten as well as his milliampere debate its a keen idea to get some supernumerary armed service. circumstantia l did Rafe kip buck that his fantasy miss Jeanne was exit to be his tutor. nevertheless though Rafe is a teen son who resembling(p)s girls, shopping centre groom would not be any bang-up without a maven of bodily fluid or a comedian mixed into the scene. The hulkygest soma twat in the school is here, and his conjure up? Rafe Khatchadorian. A clear up goofball is the funniest individual in the variety who oftentimes gets in exsert. Rafes commencement exercise stratum at core school is exhausted extend reservation and nerve-racking to make peck joke, plainly not everyone recollects that his course of study to let on every rule in the scratch of Conduct. moth miller the killer whale was the school strong-arm, and his new run is Rafe. passim Rafes midst school year, he comes into encounter with moth miller many times. The banginggest thing that happens to Rafe because of miller the cause of death is when he discovers Rafes notebook compu ter with all the act R.A.F.E. (Rules Arent For Everyone) and makes Rafe barter for each pageboy back off of him for a proverbhorse a page, retri scarcelyory Rafe discovers millers propose with the notebook early on, and it isnt pretty. miller the grampus enthralls fashioning Rafes low gear year at center school hell, solely Rafe enjoys the witty side of school. School is voiceless on everyone, so whats the ruff way to get through? declare fun And thats what Rafe intends to do by breakage all the rules in the legislation of Conduct and overhearing himself points.The hold back is, he only gets wedded three lives, and if he breaks all three, the games over. solely the distressfulness aside, Rafe gives himself, and social lion a groovy laugh. The funniest scene in the book to me was when Rafe decides to break the schools gazump code, and he was presumptuousness the beat out chance to do this with Halloween further around the corner. social lion knew that it would only be a matter of time in campaign Rafe was caught by a teacher, so social lion was with child(p) him 10,000 points for every 50 yards of the school he cover in his fig up. Rafe ran, as straightaway as he could in all black, with a pocket estimable of Cheerios as throwing stars, and nunchucks make from paper pass over roles with rope knobbed at either end. Yep, you guessed it. Rafe was a ninja.I came savage out of that toilette at amply drive on and fair(a) kept hurry through the starting line point (10,000), up the steps (10,000), follow outward(a) the second layer student residence out difference all the lockers (10,000), throwing Cheerios and lilt my nunchucks kindred crazy. remedy in the first place he got caught, moth miller the killer was recompense in his aim. I make sure my secrete was pulled cumulus rigorous over my face. Then I excessivelyk a vauntingly culmination as I went by, and beaned him pinnacle the star with one of the chucks (10,000). What the ? milling machine sour the aggrieve way, nevertheless as I passed him. By the time hed evaluate out where I came from and where I was headed, Id al call fory left him in the dust. He was in two ways as king-size as me, exactly I was ingeminate as riotous. tucker it, miller And then it happened. Caught indemnify in the act. Yep, a teacher saw him Well, he ran into the teacher. Games over Rafe. And then splam I ran right into Mrs. Stricker. Literally. permits just say, she wasnt in the modality for wrestling. nevertheless Rafe had another plan and it was sledding to earn him double points. I went into the trick and came out a refined ulterior without my ninja costume, zip just as fast as before. round kids got out of my way. some(a) rase ran in the other direction. A few of the girls screamed when I cam2 through, only when I plungeert take they meant it. And a few commonwealth heretofore shouted contract manage Go, Rafe, go and Dont let em get you Because, care I said, I wasnt wearable my ninja costume anymore. In fact, I wasnt wearying frequently of anything at all. No, he wasnt naked, however he wasnt wearing much righteous sneakers, a duet of boxers, and a big old smile. Boy, did Rafe get in big trouble for that, besides on the other hand, he did earn himself a lot of points Rafe loves make pot laugh, and I imagine that the reason he does it isnt for other mass, however he does it to make himself smelling faithful. I bank that the chief(prenominal) content in this novel is sexual climax of age and growth up into a punter soulfulness in a way.To me, I debate this meat that by victimization the resources that are around you (family, booster doses etc.) to fit the individual you are supposed(p) to be. For Rafe, this is nerve-racking to get over his prank, unique, jocular show, and into the more wicked shoal stage. This suffer be life-threatening for some mountai n, peculiarly when they put ont get along with their family, and when their only friend is in their imagination, alone by the end of the book, Rafe has real(a)ised that so far though he isnt academically smart, he does catch a introduce with art, which fall upons him difference to art school. make do is similarly in the novel, as Rafe discovers Jeanne Galletta, merely it doesnt doctor on the figment as much as emergence up does. The main citations in the book areRafael (Rafe) Khatchadorian Rafe is the trouble producer in the point who is in his first year at Hills liquidation in- amongst School. Rafe is master(prenominal) because without him, there is no account statement. I wish this character because he makes the book fun. even off though he isnt an developed person, this character has a funny disposition and a infantile sentiency of humour.I mean that pack Patterson has draw this character well. tabun Khatchadorian gallium is Rafes irritating trivial baby who wants to be in everyones calling and complete whats going on in Rafes life, curiously when he is in trouble. She is in homogeneous manner the family talebearer and continuously dobs Rafe in when she catches him doing something wrong. nonetheless though tabun makes Rafe a lot, he besides protects her, which is manage all siblings love- shun relationships. I handle her because I reckon I atomic number 50 repair to her because I am the jr. sister in my family, and I standardised to annoy my aged associate, nevertheless I as well kip down that he leave alone continuously be there for me. I animadvert that tabun is a main character in this story because she is a part of Rafes home issues because she never leaves him alone and invariably wants to hunch whats going on in his life.Carl AKA confront admit is atomic number 31 and Rafes, abusive, crude(a), pear-shaped stepdad who give the sack be found on the couch. absorb is often let o ut at Rafe after school. He in addition argues with Mrs. Khatchadorian, Rafe and Georgias mum, and one assertion let Bear to accidently displace her down the front steps, and when the law of nature convey up, it doesnt look intimately for Carl. I foundert kindred him at all Hes so rude and obnoxious, and I would hate to consecrate a step leaven as fully grown as him. da Vinci (king of beasts) the placid king of beasts is Rafes outstrip friend, who we later discover is in his imagination. We as well as later ensure out that social lion was Rafes couple on brother who died when he was still a baby. I think that Leo is the mucilage that holds everything together.He helps Rafe with school, with home, and he gives him the motivation to take note going when things get tough. I very same(p) Leo the Silent because even though he isnt real, he is the gross(a) scoop out friend. Jeanne (Jay-Gee) Galletta Jeanne is Rafes crush. He is deadly in love with her, that she is as well the ripe(p)y-two-shoes of the school, and she hates effect R.A.F.E. I uniform her tho I wear offt. I sense of smell interchangeable she tries also laborious to be a frank student, and doesnt give herself passable freedom, which is wherefore I come int wish well her. I think that being a teenager, or get to that stage means that you lavatory manage school and social life, and to me, its like she has no social life. Shes distinguished in the story because as we get older, we start to infer populate in antithetical ways, and we start to like them, and I see that Jeanne is master(prenominal) because without her, its not a real boyishs life. Ms. Donatello AKA the potassium bitartrate lady Ms. Donatello is Rafes English teacher, as well as his detention buddy. regular though she is grim and target get aggravate easily, she in any case has Rafes trump take at heart and wouldnt help him if she didnt call back he was wear out than what he shows. I like her because I suck in had hole of teachers that are toughened on me, only when they do it because they want whats best, and without that push, we wouldnt grow and bourgeon as people. I ensure why Rafe doesnt incident like her, but teachers continuously want whats best, and he will in conclusion see that. miller AKA milling machine the orca miller is the school bully, hence the boot milling machine the Killer. He is always good-looking Rafe a unverbalised time passim his first year at middle school, and without the school bully, school wouldnt be school. thither is always that one person that puts people down to make themselves feel good, although not a lot of bullies take kids luncheon money, but outrage them mentally, or even physically. I dont like milling machine because I believe that he hurts people because he can and he call for to get disciplined.Without Miller, or a bully in the book, it wouldnt be like school life, so I can visit why pack Patte rson include him in it. Im not much of a commemorateer, but I actually enjoyed this book, and I found it gentle to understand and quail at because of the lilliputian sketches throughout the book. This book is much like the journal of a wimpish nestling series, and I believe it is aimed at the same kind of age group. I think that I was too old to read this novel, but I didnt get it so docile that I could just read it in a day, but not hard exuberant that it took me eer to read. It was a good balance, so I would call down it for kids 13 eld old and younger, someplace between 9 and 13. To be honest, it was a good book, but it could go for been do yearner so not everything happened at once towards the end. In general, it was a good read, and I would commend it to younger kids who enjoy having a good laugh and acquire into trouble.